We are recruiting a couple of highly self-motivated graduate students who will work on Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems. Please, feel free to contact Prof. Kae-Won Choi (email: kaewonchoi@skku.edu) for more information.
Award & Event
We held a homecoming day in our lab with our lab colleagues, in-school researchers, and professors who have been with us since the past.
NGUYEN MINH TRAN won the Excellence Award in the 2023 first semester Sungkyunkwan University General Graduate School of Information and Communication.
Jehyeon Park has been awarded with the Encouragement Award at Sungkyunkwan University Graduate Thesis Award.
Our CIOT's members(Nguyen Minh Tran, Muhammad Miftahul Amri, Jehyeon Park) were awarded International Award: IEEE Comsoc Student Competition 2022, Honorary mention (Among the top 14 worldwide) on 17 November 2022.
Our CIOT team (Mi Hyun, Myeong Chan, Hyun Sik, Chaewon) have won a outstanding demo award at IEEE ICC 2022.
Je Hyeon Park has been awarded with the first prize in the outstanding research competition of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU Research Matters).
Our CIOT team (Je Hyeon, Minh, Amri) has been awarded with the second prize in the student competition of IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference.
Our CIOT's Professor and members (Arif Abdul Aziz, Lorenz Rullyna Ginting Soeka, Je Hyeon Park and Dong Soo Kang) got a engineering impact awards concerning 'powering the IoT in remote locations with 5G wireless energy transfer design' from National Instrument at Texas.
'Makerton' is a compound word of 'making' and 'marathon'. It is a competition in which teams come up with ideas and produce prototypes during specific time. Our CIOT's members (Hwang Sa il and Yeon Gyu yang) received the first prize for the 'next-generation multifunctional smart mirror'.